
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I’m sitting looking out at the sunrise I can’t help but reminisce about a few incredible things God has shown me recently. First He is faithful, even when we can’t see where our lives are taking us He is always aware of the bigger picture. God is gracious enough to turn our messes into masterpieces! Isn’t that incredible!!! Back in August I changed plans and switched from the 9 month gap year program to a 3 month trip to Central America!! I couldn’t be more thankful for the masterpiece God made out of that. I spent countless hours with my loved ones, got involved in my church in ways I had only dreamed of, grew relationships, and prepared for the journey to come. I can’t help but look out at the incredible creation we call home from thousands of feet in the air and think how blessed I am to be traveling overseas with my wonderful team mates to COSTA RICA! We GET to GO and be the hands and feet of Christ with incredible ministry partners, evangelize, and serve communities in a culture that is new to us!!! I am so honored to be on this trip and humbled by my community supporting me! I would not be sitting on a plane right now if it wasn’t for each and everyone of you! 


Thank you for all the love and support


I ask that you will please join us in prayer over a few things that are coming up:

•Please pray over the people in Nicoya 

•Pray that their hearts would be open and willing to hear the gospel 

•Pray that our team arrives safely and that covid wouldn’t hinder any of our ministry!

•Pray over my team leaders. They are incredible and they’re still fundraising to be where they are right now. We love them and are so grateful for their help in guiding us through this new adventure! 

•Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to dwell in myself and each of my teammates. That we could consistently surrender and be willing to say YES to whatever the Lord calls us to do


I can not thank you enough for your support and for praying over us ♥?


(We have arrived in Nicoya safely on 1/27 this was written on that morning 🙂


One response to “God is faithful”

  1. Abby, we so admire your faithful commitment to your mission trip. Love you!!

    Grandmommy and Granddaddy